CEO pay is still on the rise, totaling $14.5 million in 2015 among the Equilar 100, a study of the 100 largest companies by revenue to file their proxy statements by April 1. Among the CEOs as these leading companies, total compensation rose a median 3% year over year. Two-thirds of Equilar 100 CEOs—or 67 total—also serve as chair of the board. Logically, it stands to reason that a CEO with more significant duties in leading the board of directors would translate to higher pay, and indeed, it does. The difference, however, is considerable, and median pay for CEO-Chairs totaled $14.6 million in 2015, compared to $13.6 million for CEOs who did not serve as chair. A table displaying the top 10 highest-paid CEO-Chairs in the Equilar 100 is below.
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